Changing resolution to a TFT monitor connected with DVI
I had a slight problem with my new TFT monitor (LG L1970H-BF). When connected with a DVI cable I couldn’t get refresh rates of more than 60Hz. The monitor specifically says that it support up to 1280×1024@75Hz. But my xorg.conf refused to work, the resolution was stuck on 1280×1024 @ 60Hz…that’s what the monitor showed whatever I tweaked in xorg.conf.
Then I found this very very usefull utility: gtf. What this does small utility does is create proper Modelines for your xorg.conf because DDC is sometimes problematic in it’s automatic mode detection. This utility though managed to create a perfect modeline for my monitor.
Now with this line:
Modeline "1280x1024_75.00" 138.54 1280 1368 1504 1728 1024 1025 1028 1069 -HSync +Vsync
I have the resolution that I want. Me and my monitor are a lot happier now 🙂
Btw, the following lines might be helpfull too for some others:
Option "NoDDC" "1"
Option "IgnoreEDID" "on"
Option "MergedFB" "off"
Cheers 🙂
Filed by kargig at 01:39 under Linux
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