There goes my uptime…
After 36 days and for no apparent reason my main machine at home running windows XP rebooted while I was taking a nap.
The “infamous” event viewer shows nothing as usual and the pc is on a UPS. No rational explanation…apart from: “Hey man! it’s Windows…what did you expect?”. I expect from my OS to tell me what happens to my machine…what service freaked out THAT much that made the machine to reboot.
Maybe the machine found out a way to say: “Make me gentoo…plz!”
I’ll satisfy it’s needs when my exams are over at the end of the month. After all the only reason I wanted that machine open all day and night was to overcome the 27 day barrier that a friend posed XP would stand…I reached 36…but still, there’s a big: WHY? WHY? WHY ?
Filed by kargig at 18:34 under General
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