Searching the web…

I woke up early today and because I have nothing to do…or there’s nothing I can do now…I started searching the web. I came up with a very strange tool.
There’s a ton of information this tools provides you about your connection/browser/tcpip headers…even your dns servers. I am really curious to find out how this thing with the dns servers works, the rest is really easy to implement.Using dig ? If so why does it sometimes show some wrong entries ?I’d really like to have that source 🙂

Protected: Any ideas ?

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Keyboard/mouse shortcuts make our lives easier

Isn’t it boring to search with your mouse/keyboard all these menus insinde an application just to find something very simple ?
Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird are by default packed with keyboard shortcuts. What’s even better are the mouse gesture extensions…for people that are stuck using their mouse.

Check these pages for more info (comparison with other applications included).

Protected: WTF is wrong with phoenix ?

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Finished Doom3 + airpwn

This morning after about 25 hours of gaming (since monday night) I finished Doom3. As one get’s further and further into the game I’m sure he will like it more and more, like I did. The beggining of the game is quite dissapointing but you “get your money back” later on. The Hell level is one of the best levels I have ever played in a game. The graphics are awesome. There were times I just looked at the screen doing nothing more than enjoying the gfx.

some pics from Hell level:
doom3 Hell level
doom3 Hell level

Just play this game…Nothing more nothing less.
There are now various mods on the net for just about everything. My favorites are :

  • Doom 3 Retail Gore Mod
  • Doom 3 Minimizer v1.1
  • I guess that in 1-2 months time there will be even different (and good) playable scenarios based on doom3 engine/game.

    Does anyone else noticed the connection between the movie “Event Horizon” ( Review ) and this game, or is it just me who thinks there is such a connection ? Teleporting allows Hell enter the world of humans and so on and so on…

    Airpwn is a nice tool that was presented at defcon 12 this august.

    Airpwn is a platform for injection of application layer data on an 802.11b network

    And it works!
    Check this site for more: airpwn. Don’t forget to take a look at the images…These guys were pwned. heh.

    Protected: Phoenix is alive … again

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    Apache “tweaking”

    As a true fan of mod_ssl I wanted to “convert” my webmail instances from http to https. The easiest way was to set it like this:

    <Location "/webmail">

    But that was a bit problematic because when someone went to the old he was presented with an error. It was time for my other favorite apache module…mod_rewrite
    So I deleted the previous code and added the next piece of code inside the virtual host directive:

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
    RewriteRule ^/webmail(.*) https://%{SERVER_NAME}/webmail$1 [R,L]

    I also splitted the webdav configuration part (like I have done with ssl) because the httpd.conf was getting larger and larger, and it was already difficult to browse it and edit it.

    That’s it for now…I am going to play a bit of Doom3 and then read a couple of pages from Da Vinci Code book I’ve bought.

    More Security updates

    Firefox (0.9.3) and phpMyAdmin (2.5.7-pl1) were the next packages to be updated on my machines.
    I also tweaked some apache settings for this domain ( I played a bit with ssl support and created some directory directives to protect sensitive data…like the phpmyadmin dir.

    <Directory "/foo/bar/lol/phpmyadmin/">

    While playing with apache and SSL I’ve found out that you can’t use different certs for virtual hosts hosted on the same ip/port (link1, link2. I guess that’s why we are asked so many times on the web to validate a cert that looks like it’s coming from another host. They are probably sites hosted on the same machine and wanted both to use ssl, so they chose one of the FQDNs and stuck with it.

    I also changed all the urls of this blog to follow the https scheme. Security … Privacy … Unknown words to most people surfing the “Net”.

    Security updates

    This morning while I checked the news I saw that libpng and putty clients needed updating due to security issues. Libpng is of course the most important and needs the classic make;make install in all machines that I have that use libpng…I hope it won’t break anything else, pffffff.


    Have “fun”…

    Doom 3 + blog tweaking

    I’ve been playing Doom 3 since monday night I got back from vacations.
    I was thirteen when I first played Doom I, and I was so excited to play the sequel of the game that I “grew up with”. I installed it…tweaked the options and fired it up. First impression ? AWESOME gfx,sound and very very very very scary atmosphere. But that was not the Doom I used to play or was it ? I still can’t decide. The monsters are now (that I’ve moved a bit further in the game) begining to look like the old ones, the guns too. So from that point of view I should be very happy, and I am. What looks strange is the tunnel-like pathways. There are no open-air places. As far as I can remember there were places in doom where you were in a large open place shooting monsters coming from all over the place. I haven’t seen anything like this so far. (There is an exaplanation though for this…everything is taking place on Mars in a big complex that provides oxygen and outside of it there is no breathable air…but what the hell..aren’t there big places in this complex ? 🙂 ) Furthermore…weren’t there secret places in Doom ? I’ve only found one or two places pretty “hidden”, that “weren’t so easy to go”…but it’s not like old Doom games. Something else now…What the hell are these PDAs ? Whose idea was that ? They are really annoying as far as gameplay is concerned. I admit that they make the game-scenario much better…but hey…this is not a’s a game…it’s supposed to be fun. Someone in a forum said that Doom3 looks like Halo with the atmosphere of original Doom. He might be right, but still I can’t make up my mind about this game…I’ll keep playing.
    (If you are interested in reading more stuff about Doom3 read this blog: DOOM 3 – Sluggo’s Blog From Hell)

    My friend Angelos has tweaked wordpress a bit to help me with privacy issues. I wanted the entries that have a password to protect them not to show up their title to users that view the blog and don’t have the password. Now if they don’t have the password all they see is “Protected”. I may post the diffs (if I get his permission) in the next days.

    Protected: fix fix fix the damn zipscript-c

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    Back from Vacations

    I am back from Zante. I had a great time. The beaches were superb. I will post pics when I print the film and scan the pics. We were lucky to meet some friends who had a car and knew the island pretty well. The drove us to some outstanding places that we would have never been able to go with public transport. The whole trip was also VERY cheap. I spent less than 300 euros (along with travel expenses) for 8 whole days! Of course we were staying at a camping, else we wouldn’t have managed to stay that long. More info soon cause I really need a rest now after so many hours of travelling with buses and ships.

    Packing things up…

    Last night I went with a friend of mine to a club-bar in the city where it said it would play electroclash, gothic, ebm, industrial…etc. I can’t say it was bad. There were like 20 other people there listening to that music. Well some of them were there accidentally, but it’s ok. Some thought that ebm was like rave and tried to dance it like dancing rave or trance, pffffff. Some others (rockers, or heavy metal guys) thought they were listening to drums and they were headbanging all the time. In fact I think that less than 5 people including the DJ had ever heard that music again and knew what they were listening 🙁 …But the music was good. Mostly ebm…few industrial songs, but I am happy with that. Maybe next time it will be better.

    Tomorrow’s the big day… I am FINALLY leaving for vacations! Currently I am writing some mp3s to my minidisc to take with me. First disc is almost full of Atari Teenage Riot. Here’s the playlist:

    1. Atari Teenage Riot - Start The Riot (3:38)
    2. Atari Teenage Riot - Deutschland (Has Gotta Die!) (3:02)
    3. Atari Teenage Riot - Destroy 2000 Years Of Culture (3:51)
    4. Atari Teenage Riot - Not Your Business (2:32)
    5. Atari Teenage Riot - Heatwave (2:43)
    6. Atari Teenage Riot - Atari Teenage Riot (3:35)
    7. Atari Teenage Riot - Delete Yourself (4:30)
    8. Atari Teenage Riot - Into The Death (3:26)
    9. Atari Teenage Riot - Speed (2:48)
    10. atari teenage riot - raverbashing (3:26)
    11. atari teenage riot - cyberpunks are dead (3:35)
    12. Atari Teenage Riot - no remorse (live in new york 99) (5:37)
    13. Atari Teenage Riot - revolution action (live in san francisco 99) (4:44)
    14. Atari Teenage Riot - paranoid (7'' remix) (3:07)
    15. Atari Teenage Riot - sick to death (remix 97) (5:55)
    16. Atari Teenage Riot - no success (digital hardcore remix) (4:18)
    17. Atari Teenage Riot - redefine the enemy 97 (3:53)
    18. Lightning Bolt - Saint Jacques (5:09)
    19. Lightning Bolt - Ride The Sky (5:17)

    The next discs will be hocico, dulce liquido, Velvet Acid Christ, suicide commando…or whatever else comes to my mind.

    I am really bored to pack clothes…but I have to…and I have to carry a lot other things with me (torch, tiny machine to make coffee, etc etc). I hope I won’t forget anything behind.


    Just found out that my last post wasn’t broke the rss feed. Some symbols (the “greater than” and “less than” weren’t parsed properly so I had to convert them to “(” & “)”.


    Did it!

    Yeap…Yeap…it’s done. WebDav+mysql auth.
    Sample config from apache httpd.conf follows:

    <directory /foo/bar/moo>
    Dav On
    AuthMSFix on
    AuthMSFixOnHeader User-Agent "Microsoft.*Webdav"
    AuthMSFixMatch "^.*(.*)$" "$1"
    AllowOverride None
    order allow,deny
    allow from all
    require user USERNAMEGOESHERE
    AuthType Basic
    AuthMySQLHost host
    AuthMySQLUser username
    AuthMySQLPassword password
    AuthMySQLDB htpasswd
    AuthMySQLAuthoritative On
    AuthMySQLKeepAlive On
    require user USERNAMEGOESHERE

    I am using mod_AuthMSFix for correcting the webdav probs windows xp sometimes has.
    What’s left is to make use of mod_auth_user_dir module.
    Probably after vacations. I am leaving on sunday to Zante,Greece