More patent problems
In a recent post in slashdot it is said that vlc is threatened with closure due to software patents. You can read more about it here: Videolan patent problem.
This patent madness will drive many opensource developers crazy in a very short time…I guess that it is getting more and more difficult to code something when you are in fear that someone may sue you for something that you just…thought. The problem is bigger for people coding multimedia applications. That’s where the most money from typical users are spent…and that’s where big companies base their success. You buy a dvd from your local store…but now you need to watch it with a decent player right ? Who has de-interlace support ? Who has DTS support ? and so on and so on… This is really getting nowhere…If companies persist on their patents each one is going to create a crippled player due to patents pending from the “opponent” companies…just crazy…and BAD for the users…
shame…but that’s how things work lately…There was a time where software was cheap and hardware was trully expensive..this has changed completely nowdays…
More links on patent problems:
DTS vs Videolan
Kopete patent problems
Filed by kargig at 20:11 under General
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