I’ve just updated WordPress to 1.5.1. It supposedly has a lot of bugfixes…we’ll see. Anyway…to the point..
Today I’ve finally activated my e-banking account. The process was quite long…I had to go to a bank, sign some papers, then wait 4 days for a courrier to come and give me my passwords. After doing that I had to activate the account via telephone. But wait…I didn’t have telephone-banking enabled…so another 2 day delay until my telephone-banking account was enabled, and then I could finally enable my e-banking. When I first logged in I saw a very stupid page warning me that I should click on “the yellow locker in Internet Explorer” to make sure I was inside the right domain, bank’s domain.
– Well I don’t have IE…what should I do now master ?
– Use the force and click “CONTINUE” young Luke….
I clicked once…clicked twice…opened the url in another Tab…another Window…nothing…the frame would not let me go. I guess it had a special IE thingie that was not satisfied by my Firefox’s “click”…
Anyway…I closed the window…and tried re-logging in. No stupid welcome screen. Yuppi!
Browsing around, it felt like working. But I can’t be sure unless I have to transfer money to another account…then I shall see if I have one more of those stupid “use IE only please” warnings. I have the bank documents I signed in front of me…I see nowhere any term forcing me to use IE or windows only. Is e-banking only for the “serious” windows users ?
Oh and what’s the name of the bank ? Eurobank!
From the other hand it’s the only bank in Greece that offers the creation of digital certificates in order to make money transfers, and not a bunch of passwords that you have to change all the time.
So the score is… 1-1
Filed by kargig at 09:38 under General
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