Xorg and fluxbox speedup with gentoo

I’ve lately noticed that my fluxbox was a bit slow…when opening up terminals, when opening up firefox, or even when entering the wm.

I did some changes and the problem has been significantly reduced:
1) edit /etc/hosts and make sure there are lines like these: localhost koko.lala koko

2) re-emerge fluxbox with disablexmb flag:
#echo "x11-wm/fluxbox disablexmb" >> /etc/portage/package.use
#emerge -Dv fluxbox

3) check your font paths inside xorg.conf for any incosistencies and symlink loops

4) if you have a system with a lot of ram change vm.swappiness. I use:


inside my /etc/sysctl.conf

5) I’ve also done this to fine tune my memmory settings, if you feel brave enough..you can do that too:

echo 4096 >> /proc/sys/vm/min_free_kbytes

my system now boots faster and I whichever application I use has a noticeable speed difference.
Have fun with gentoo!