First Post with Opera
Hello all, this is my first post with the Opera Browser. It’s the first time I install it and I only did it because yesterday Opera celebrated it’s 10th Birthday and gave away registration keys for free. I would never install a browser that’s adware, and now that I had the chance to legally have the full browser in my hands…I thought I should give it a shot.
My first impressions are quite good. It’s certainly faster than firefox, eats less memory, it’s quite stable with plugins like acrobat and mplayerplug-in…and it has a nice interface. I can also visit some webinterfaces of machines like cisco 340AP that firefox could not. Firefox needed to enter the login/password everytime I went to a different page in the webinterface…but Opera does not have a problem with such things. It also has built in mouse gestures, where in firefox I had to load an extension for this.
I had around 7-8 extensions in firefox that made my life easier. The only thing that I really miss in opera is the BugMeNot extension :(. I haven’t really looked into Opera so I don’t know if it’s possible to load “extensions”…if there is a way…I am sure someone will write a BugMeNot one.
The only problem I faced so far was at my e-banking site. It did not load the menu right…I don’t know if this is an Opera fault or mine. Maybe some javascript setting. I will look into it though.
That’s it for now…I go back to studying…September exams are coming. Good luck to everyone.
Filed by kargig at 12:52 under General,Internet,Linux
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