ser/openser and Cisco ata 188

I’ve recently installed a ser (SIP express router) in one of my machines (well, in fact it’s more like openser) mostly for self tutoring. The config file was quite a pain to tune. Many many options, many many modules which all look quite usefull, and you can get easily distracted from what you should be doing. Luckilly there are some HOWTO’s (but not complete) around the net.
What I find about ser/openser VERY stupid and annoying, is that while it’s tools are mostly written in bash they have the default password that comes with the installation hardcoded inside. It would be much easier if the installation procedure asked you for a username/password instead of the defaults “ser/heslo”. Anyway…you can change them later quite easily…but it’s still annoying.
A tool you might need is sipsak. It’s like a wrapper of some common commands a SIP administrator might frequently need.

Installing Cisco ata 188 and making it work for ser/openser was trully easy. You have to download the latest sip image ( for the ata adapter from cisco (you need a password for Cisco’s site) and upload it to your phone (instructions are inside the zip file’s readme file). Inside the zip file that contains the image and some readme’s there are a few other executables that can be used for debugging it. What’s interesting for us linux users? Cisco provides binaries for almost all those tools inside the zip! In fact I upgraded my ata from linux 🙂

Then go to and you get a very nice menu with quite a lot of options, and some monitors (ethernet, RTP stats) that did not exist in previous versions. Just fill in your username/password, display name and sip proxy server..and you are good to go. The device registers itself without any problems and I was able to make calls to ata 188 from/to Linphone, Kphone and Xten-Lite(both windows and Linux).

Here’s my testing ata 188:

cisco ata 188

2 Responses to “ser/openser and Cisco ata 188”

  1. John Mullins
    May 4th, 2007 | 22:25
    Using Internet Explorer Internet Explorer 7.0 on Windows Windows XP


    We’re having problems with our ATA 186 and our OpenSER. Can you share some of the steps to getting them both configured properly in your post you said you got it working. If you can help in anyway I’d be appreciative.



  2. May 5th, 2007 | 12:42
    Using Mozilla Firefox Mozilla Firefox on Linux Linux

    If you tell what your problem is I might be able to help you.

    Have you checked this out: ? It’s quite helpful.

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