broken rox-filler in gentoo with gtk+ 2.8.12
Rox-filler is an excellent(for me) file manager that I use under my favorite wm…fluxbox (of course).
The latest emerge world broke my rox-filler. Rox-filler 2.2.0 has a known bug that makes it crash with gtk+ versions 2.8.11, 2.8.12, etc. Until now I had gtk+ 2.8.8 version and the latest emerge world updated it to 2.8.12 which had became “stable” in portage. Unfortunately rox-base/rox inside portage is not up to date with the latest rox-filler version (2.4.X) that fixes the bug…so it just crashes.
There is an open bug about it inside gentoo’s bugzilla: http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=123675
For now I downgraded gtk+ to 2.8.8. I might create a custom ebuild for the latest rox-filler, as someone in bugzilla says, to circumvent the problem..but I am not really fond of that solution. I’d prefer if the rox-base/rox maintainer created a new ebuild….. sooner or later.
Filed by kargig at 21:53 under Linux
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