Netmod MSN setting through a regular phone
Today I had a visit from an OTE technician at home. He came to replace my old netmod which had a failling power supply. I asked him if I could set up MSN (Multiple Subscriber Number) on analog ports of the netmod without using Netmod Confiuration Manager. He was very polite to explain it to me and here comes the answers he gave me:
Netmod can set up MSN in Analog Port 1(AB1), Analog Port 2(AB2) and DTE.
To clear any previous numbers set for AB1 press the following (on a phone connected to that port): **91*#, for AB2: **92*# and for DTE: **93*#
To store MSN 1234567890 for AB1 press: **91*1234567890#, for AB2 **92*1234567890# and for DTE: **93*1234567890#
Combine these to suit your needs. All that stuff is nothing new…I just didn’t know it, possibly because I had not read the netmod user manual. A guide in greek for all that stuff is here: http://www.ote.gr/oteweb/greek/ccare/info_isdn.htm
Filed by kargig at 18:24 under General
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