A disk cataloger with sql support!
I’ve written before about me looking for a disk cataloging tool in linux. I think I’ve finally found what I wanted. It’s called gcdkatalog.
The good things about it:
1) It has mysql/sqlite support
2) It’s FAST
3) does not crash while searching (at least did not crash yet 😛 )
The bad things:
1) No documentation AT ALL
2) I have no idea whether the author stills maintains it or not. You can’t even find a link to download the latest version from his homepage. I’ve found it by guessing…
2) The code is written by a polish guy and the code comments are also in polish. This can be a problem if you want to change something in the code.
Anyway…I’ve posted an ebuild of gcdkatalog on Gentoo bugzilla. The ebuild is currently only for ~x86 since I have no amd64 machine to test if it compiles, if you do own one and have 2 spare minutes, please test it and inform me about it. Let’s hope it will eventually make it inside the portage tree. Until then grab the ebuild from bugzilla.
P.S. Before gcdkatalog I used Gwhere, but it is lacking sql support. If you don’t mind about it…it’s by far the most advanced cataloging tool for linux I’ve seen.
Filed by kargig at 22:16 under Linux
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