This python script is usefull for uploading images to imageshack via the command line.
The original script found in an old post in python’s mailing list is not complete. A user with nick Agiofws on GrIRC-net expanded it a bit and used it together with a bash script in order to get the url of the uploaded image. What I did was to implement a regexp search for a “paste-friendly” url at the bottom of the python script.
Feel free to use it, and change it as you wish: imageshack.py.gz (You need to gunzip it first.)
Filed by kargig at 01:56 under Internet,Linux
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Now imageshack is using flash to send images 😐 the script needs an fix…
I found another script for imageshack buts has de same problem, i made some minor changes to adapt it to
freeimagehosting.net that seems like imageshack… so have fun