Gentoo baselayout-2 and openrc impressions
one word: _amazing_.
The first thing someone notices is the speed difference. It is BIG.
Just take a look at the following 2 graphs from the same machine and judge on your own:
55->29 seconds!!!! Impressive!
Machine specs described here: http://www.void.gr/kargig/blog/2007/08/16/iloog-706-on-sony-vaio-pcg-sr21k/
I haven’t done any thorough tests on it yet, but I will certainly do. Great job roy marples! Thans a lot!
Tip: to get bootchart working when you have baselayout-2 installed add: init=/sbin/bootchartd to your kernel line in grub. Else you will face problems getting it to work.
Baselayout: 2.0.0 with kernel 2.6.24 + running prelink.
25 Seconds!! that’s less than 50% of the original 55seconds boot process!
Filed by kargig at 02:07 under Gentoo,Linux
6 Comments | 11,417 views
Great improvements… Great job…
Any warnings for using baselayout-2? Will it hose me if I unmask it?
No probs encountered yet. If you are carefull with dispatch-conf after the emerge of baselayout-2 all should be fine for you too…hopefully!
Thats amazing. I ve never heard of baselayout-2 or openrc before. I am going to test it. Do you have any instructions? You scared me when you said that you should be carefull(! 🙂 ) on dispatch-conf. Are there any guides?
I ve just did the upgrade. It went smooth. Its true that my gentoo is so much faster 🙂
My impressions so far are great. Using it for 2 days without any problems at all. Booting a linux laptop in 30 seconds is really, really nice 🙂