rxvt-unicode 256 color support with vim

Following my previous post on minimizing the resources that urxvt needs on Gentoo, I tried applying some more patches to it that I found in Gentoo’s bugzilla.
Since that happened a few days ago there was no ebuild for version 9.05 yet. So I created one and applied the patch for the 256 color support.

Here’s my rxvt-unicode ebuild for version 9.05 with 256 color support: rxvt-unicode-9.05.ebuild.

So since I now have a terminal supporting 256 colors it’s time to make vim use it.
Following this guide for 256 colors in vim I made some tests.
Here are the screenshots:
rxvt-unicode without 256 color support displaying the output of 256colors2.pl:

rxvt-unicode with 256 color support displaying the output of 256colors2.pl:

rxvt-unicode without 256 color support with t_Co=8 using theme desert displaying 256colors2.pl

rxvt-unicode without 256 color support with t_Co=256 using theme desert displaying 256colors2.pl

rxvt-unicode with 256 color support with t_Co=256 using theme desert displaying 256colors2.pl

rxvt-unicode without 256 color support with t_Co=8 using theme desert256 displaying 256colors2.pl

rxvt-unicode without 256 color support with t_Co=256 using theme desert256 displaying 256colors2.pl

rxvt-unicode with 256 color support with t_Co=256 using theme desert256 displaying 256colors2.pl

rxvt-unicode without 256 color support with t_Co=8 using theme inkpot displaying 256colors2.pl

rxvt-unicode without 256 color support with t_Co=256 using theme inkpot displaying 256colors2.pl

rxvt-unicode with 256 color support with t_Co=256 using theme inkpot displaying 256colors2.pl

I am currently using desert256 with urxvt 9.05 with 256 color support of course 🙂
So with this unicode-rxvt ebuild I have a) unicode support b) tabs using fluxbox’s tab support c) 256 colors. I think that I currently don’t have any other wishes for a terminal.
My second terminal of choice, mrxvt still lacks unicode support 🙁

9 Responses to “rxvt-unicode 256 color support with vim”

  1. Vardigon
    June 27th, 2008 | 16:58
    Using Mozilla Firefox Mozilla Firefox 3.0 on Gentoo Linux Gentoo Linux

    Hey! I checked out your ebuild for the 256colors patch in 9.05 :). Works like a charm with the color test. Thanks!!!

  2. June 27th, 2008 | 21:40
    Using Mozilla Firefox Mozilla Firefox 3.0 on Gentoo Linux Gentoo Linux

    You could just use the 88 colour mode it’s always supported, no patching required.

  3. June 27th, 2008 | 21:47
    Using Mozilla Firefox Mozilla Firefox 3.0 on Gentoo Linux Gentoo Linux

    Why not use the 88 colour support that’s always been there, no patching required?

  4. June 27th, 2008 | 22:09
    Using Mozilla Firefox Mozilla Firefox 3.0 on Gentoo Linux Gentoo Linux

    Well, since I can have 256 with a simple patch why stick at 88 ? I don’t mind patching if it doesn’t break anything else and as far as I am using it the patch works fine.

  5. George
    October 3rd, 2008 | 22:19
    Using Konqueror Konqueror 3.5 on Debian GNU/Linux Debian GNU/Linux

    Me likes xterm.

  6. October 13th, 2008 | 08:40
    Using Mozilla Firefox Mozilla Firefox 3.0.3 on Ubuntu Linux Ubuntu Linux

    Great article! Thanks.

    This helped me add 256 color support to rxvt-unicode on Ubuntu. For those running Ubuntu, check out: http://scie.nti.st/2008/10/13/get-rxvt-unicode-with-256-color-support-on-ubunut

  7. January 23rd, 2009 | 11:50
    Using Opera Opera 10.00 on Linux Linux

    You might be interested in this vim script http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2390

  8. August 22nd, 2009 | 18:20
    Using Mozilla Firefox Mozilla Firefox 3.5.2 on Gentoo Linux Gentoo Linux

    Tabs are also supported through the perl extension

  9. August 24th, 2009 | 01:25
    Using Mozilla Firefox Mozilla Firefox 3.5.2 on Linux Linux

    @hello_world: Tab support of urxvt is pretty minimal…you can do more things with fluxbox’s tab support than with urxvt’s … but that’s probably a matter of personal taste as well…

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