Mac OS X tips/reminders
3 simple tips/reminders for stuff I had to deal with while using Mac OS X the last two days…
To get arrows working while inside vim in a remote server one needs to change Mac OS X’s terminal type.
$ cat .profile
If you use push "redirect-gateway"
option in an openvpn server configuration file, you need to add redirect-gateway def1
in your client’s configuration file when using openvpn’s Mac OS X client (Tunnelblick) or else when you close the VPN the previous default route is not restored.
To check on the signal quality of nearby Access Points get AP Grapher.
Filed by kargig at 18:01 under Encryption,MacOSX,Networking,Privacy
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Psonises apple?
Το δανείστικα γιατί το laptop που είχα εγώ αποφάσισε να πηδήξει από το γραφείο στο πάτωμα. Ο ασθενής έζησε, αλλά έχασε το φως του (μαύρισε η οθόνη). Προς το παρόν πειραματίζομαι με το Mac…
Never had to do anything to get arrows working on remote servers in vim or vi. Certainly I wouldn’t set $TERM to linux :-p
Alex:~ betabug$ echo $TERM
For checking on access points I use KisMAC.
Thanks for the tips 🙂
KisMAC works good if have an Atheros or 3rd party WiFi card, not with Airport extreme.
Just one question, the laptop you mentioned runs Leopard or Tiger?
The Terminal.app UTF-8 support is greatly improved in Leopard. As for Tiger you could give a look to iTerm.
As for the arrows under vim. For both Tiger & leopard works fine when I ssh to my linux box without setting the term to Linux.
The most important of all: Can Mac OS X run VIM? 😛
Why would someone want to use vim in 2008 when there’s TextMate? It’s like having emacs on steroids 🙂
Just to begin with, it’s neither free nor open source, vim is. There’s no chance I’ll be paying for a good text editor when there’s vim around.
Last login: Fri Feb 13 21:17:37 on ttys000
Angel:~ atma$ uname
Angel:~ atma$ vim –version
VIM – Vi IMproved 7.2 (2008 Aug 9, compiled Nov 11 2008 17:20:43)
Angel:~ atma$ sudo port search vim
ctags @5.7 (devel)
Reimplementation of ctags(1)
hs-plugins @20050407 (devel)
A plugin library for Haskell
p5-text-vimcolor @0.11 (perl)
syntax color text in HTML or XML using Vim.
txt2regex @0.8 (sysutils)
Converts human sentences to regexes
vim @7.2.093 (editors)
Vi “workalike” with many additional features
vim-app @7.2.093 (editors)
Vim.app is a GUI version of the famous editor vim.
vim2html @1.46 (textproc)
vim2html converts any Vim-editable file into well-formed HTML
yi @0.1.0 (editors)
the extensible Yi text editor
Found 8 ports.
Angel:~ atma$
taraaaaam UNIX means magic!