Applications Meme
Following the request of comzeradd
answer the following questions with less than 50 words each (mind, only desktop/gui applications):
1. which desktop manager do you use more often ?
2. which desktop application you would not like to see implemented again on linux? and why?
3. which desktop application you definitely would like to see implemented on linux? describe it briefly or point out to a similar application.
4. write the name of the last project (not the very best, the last!) that made you wish to thank their developers so you can thank them now! 🙂
5.(optional) Link the blogs of 1-3 people you’d like to take part to this meme. (no more than three). you can skip this question if you like.
and here are my answers:
1. fluxbox
2. Audio players
3. I don’t have a single desktop application that I use on any other OS and I think it needs implementing on Linux, sure there are applications like CAD and serious audio/video editing for professionals missing, but I am sure that from the psychological point of view, if MS Office worked on linux a lot of people would feel much more comfortable switching to it. Just like what happens with MacOSX.
4. keepassX: excellent cross-platform tool to manage one’s passwords
5. stsimb, agorf, adamo
Filed by kargig at 22:29 under Linux
2 Comments | 5,553 views
2. Bittorrent clients. I think they’re enough, and each one lacks something. I wish we had one, complete.
3. iTunes (even if crappy), and better Apple support for Linux
4. Miro, a podcast downloader and player
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