Greek adblock plus filter on the official subscription list
Six months after my original post on the creation of Greek Adblock Plus filter, the filter is finally added on the official subscription list thanks to Wladimir Palant.
Apart from Adblock Plus add-on for Firefox/Iceweasel/etc, the filter is also usable by the AdThwart extension for Google Chrome/Chromium
Until today the list peaked at 70 subscribers…I hope this will make more people trust my filter list and reach at least 100 subscribers.
As a sidenote, my RBL for Greek spam has moved to a new, better server thanks to a very kind person who donated it and some people administering mail servers have already added it to their spam filters. Since the original announcement the RBL jumped from 500 reqs/min to 2000 reqs/min.
Filed by kargig at 16:19 under Internet,Networking,Privacy
Tags: adblock, adblockplus, ads, antispam, grrbl, spam
6 Comments | 11,309 views
Θενξ!!! Θενξ!!! Θενξ!!!
Great job!
Ty very much for your hard work. Much Appreciated.
poli kali doulia
Κάτι για safari?
Για δοκίμασε το http://safariadblock.com/ και πρόσθεσε εκεί την Ελληνική λίστα.
Αν παίξει, στείλε μου τα βήματα που χρειάστηκαν ώστε να τα αναρτήσω στο http://www.void.gr/kargig/blog/greek-adblock-plus-filter/