IPv6 workshop at Fosscomm 2011
This weekend, 7-8 May 2011, I’ll be doing a workshop about “IPv6 usage on Linux” at Fosscomm 2011 conference. Fosscomm is the biggest Greek Open Source conference with lots of interesting presentations, workshops and events. In the spirit of enabling IPv6 wherever possible, I am very happy to have managed to enable IPv6 connectivity for the website of Fosscomm this year!
During the workshop I will try to show the necessary tools to use, debug network problems and configure various services for IPv6. My goal is to explain to participants the abolishment of NAT, introduce the concepts of SLAAC and DHCPv6 and show them how to configure their networks to effectively use IPv6. If there’s enough time some issues related to IPv6 security will also be discussed. Target audience is people who are not afraid of the command line, have basic networking skills and are eager to learn things regarding IPv6!
Unfortunately it was impossible to have IPv6 upstream connectivity at the LAB, so participants will be testing everything on an IPv6 enabled remote infrastructure. Due to the limited number of LAB computers and Virtual Machines available, only 35, there is a registration form for participants to fill in. Please take the time to fill in the form any specific topics that you would like the workshop to pay attention to.
The workshop is taking place on Saturday 07/05/2011 and it will start _exactly_ at 10:45 in order to take full advantage of the time given to us by Fosscomm’s organizers.
Workshop is supported by the Greek IPv6 Taskforce and there miiiight be IPv6-related material distributed to the participants.
Please don’t forget to fill in the registration form!!!
Filed by kargig at 22:32 under Internet,IPv6,Linux,Networking
Tags: 2011, DHCPv6, fosscomm, ipv6, slaac, workshop
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