Update on the state of STARTTLS support of Greek email providers
2 months ago I wrote a blog post describing the really bad state of STARTTLS support of Greek email providers. Things have slightly gotten better since then.
Updates on STARTTLS support per provider
The following is current as of 2016/03/26 and are only the updates since the previous blog post.
FORTHNET: Supports TLS 1.2 (at least since 2016/02/03)
VODAFONE: Supports TLS 1.2 for vodafone.gr but NOT for vodafone.com.gr (at least since 2016/03/10)
Updates on Certificate status per provider (that have STARTTLS support)
FORTHNET: uses a valid certificate (a wildcard *.forthnet.gr)
VODAFONE: uses a valid certificate (a wildcard *.megamailservers.eu)
MAILBOX: uses a valid signed certificate (for spamexperts.eu) (at least since 2016/03/26)
No other changes have been observed.
These updates indicate that 3 out of 5 commercial Greek ISPs currently use STARTTLS on their mail servers, OTE/COSMOTE, Forthnet and Vodafone. Way better than 1 out 5 which was the case 2 months ago. That means that the only ones left behind are Wind and Cyta, Since HOL has merged with Vodafone.
P.S. Thanks fly to @stsimb for notifying me of Forthnet updates with a comment on my blog
Filed by kargig at 21:02 under Encryption,Greek,Internet,Linux,Networking,Privacy
Tags: certificate, email, Internet, ISP, Networking, Privacy, providers, security, startls, tls, verification
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