Bluetooth + Gentoo + SE K700i
Today I’ve done some first steps in connecting my new phone (sony ericsson k700i) to my box. I’ve borrowed a bluetooth usb dongle from a friend (thnx a lot chrys!) and started playing with it. First thing to do was read what was already documented. Starting at “HOWTO mobile phone, Bluetooth and GNOME” you can easily get a general idea on what’s needed. But there’s a major part missing… the creation of the correct devices.
That’s done by:
cd /dev && mknod rfcomm0 c 216 0 && mknod rfcomm1 c 216 1 && mknod ttyU0 c 208 0 && mknod ttyU1 c 208 1
Following the tutorial above, after having created the proper devices as stated above, is really easy to send files to your phone through nautilus. Just open it and “Send via bluetooth”.
When I have the time I will write about command line sending and receiving files.
Filed by kargig at 18:57 under General,Linux
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