*Experimental* Chrome extension containing Greek HTTPS-Everywhere rules
I’ve just uploaded an experimental version of HTTPS-Everywhere Google Chrome extension containing Greek rules.
You can find it on https-everywhere-greek-rules downloads page on github.
To install it, download the .crx from github, open Extensions Settings and drag the downloaded .crx on the Extensions page. It will prompt you to install it.
After installation you can visit www.void.gr or www.nbg.gr to test it. You should be seeing a new icon on the left of the url bar to notify you that HTTPS-Everywhere applied some rules.
I’ve tested it on Google Chrome Version 21 on Linux and it seems to work ok. If you have any problems open up an issue on github.
Happy safer surfing…
Filed by kargig at 14:13 under Encryption,Greek,Internet,Networking,Privacy
Tags: Greek, https, HTTPS-Everywhere, Linux, ssl
2 Comments | 13,994 views
[…] I've just uploaded an experimental version of HTTPS-Everywhere Google Chrome extension containing Greek rules. […]
If you haven’t done so already, you should really submit your rules here: