Me, Myself and my bad luck
Yesterday morning I did a chkdsk on my pc at home just to make sure all was ok…just in case. What I saw made me furious! My boot disk had 1 bad sector!!! The disk was just 1 year old…a Western Digital 120GB JB model. What’s going on with Western Digital ? They keep making one crappy disk after the other. More than 4 200Gb JB models I have owned for the past 1-2 years have crashed. Now this 120GB…I was more than cautious with this machine because it’s the machine I use for project development. It’s on a UPS…it has seperate hard disk fans…so what went wrong ? I can’t get it….
Luckilly I had a spare 120GB without any data on it. I booted my slackware and did a dd_rescue from the disk with the bad sector to the other. It took around 10..maybe more hours…but now I am working on the “spare” disk (that I have double checked it for bad sectors) and all look fine.
I am not going to buy another Westerd Digital disk…I am not even sure I want to send the disk back to the company to send me another for refund (warranty is for 3 years…so I can send it back anytime I want). I think I might sell the new one that they will send me to someone while it’s inside the company’s packaging and buy another disk from another brand. But what should I buy ? Maxtor disks go toooo hot when used for a long time (I have hard disk fans…but how secure would you feel ?), Seagate disks are rumored to be very good (as far as stability is concerned) but they are a lot slower than all others. I am willing to hear/view any suggestions as comments…
Waiting for the next problem to appear.
Filed by kargig at 00:46 under General
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