Using Firefox Password Exporter
I am using the Password Exporter addon for Firefox to sync my passwords between my various Firefox installations (2 OS on the laptop, 2 OS on the desktop and one for portable firefox on a usb stick). I am using it with version 3.0.X and 3.5 just fine.
I have created a shell script that finds the differences between two exported password files and creates a new xml with the differences of the two so that one can edit it and pick the ones he wants imported.
File: ff-password-sync.sh
To use it follow these two steps on each firefox installation:
Firefox->Tools->Add-ons->Password Exporter->Preferences->Export Passwords
Then use the script (you need bash and mktemp):
$ ./ff-password-sync.sh laptop-password-export-2009-07-01 dektop-password-export-2009-07-02
If it runs successfully you should have 2 files in your home dir:
ff-password-sync.diff: Contains the differences of the two files in diff format
ff-password-sync.xml: Contains the unique username password combinations that are missing
Edit ff-password-sync.xml to possibly remove entries you don’t want imported and then go to:
Firefox->Tools->Add-ons->Password Exporter->Preferences->Import Passwords
and load ff-password-sync.xml
If you engage in this process it’s almost certain that you will hit this bug:
“Can’t add a login with both a httpRealm and formSubmitURL.’ when calling method: [nsILoginManager::addLogin]”
The fix is provided by a user on his blog: Fix for Firefox’s Password Exporter Add-on
Filed by kargig at 14:15 under Linux
Tags: bugfix, firefox, passsword, shell script
1 Comment | 10,234 views
I’ve been fighting to find a way around this xml parsing error for hours now.. lol Finally found your page and now I have all my MANY passwords saved in my new Firefox profile! Whew!!
I hope you don’t mind, I’ve posted the fix with a link to your page in a few forums because I see there are a LOT of people with the same problem, and YOU have the only fix!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, and God bless you!!