6 years! + grrbl news
It’s been exactly 6 years (!) since I started this blog: http://www.void.gr/kargig/blog/2004/07/18/hey-ho-lets-go/…
Too bad I don’t have as much free time as I had in the past to post about interesting things. It’s a also a time for a redesign…I think I have the same theme for more than 5 years…
Anyway, GrRBL got redesigned yesterday by Christine and now there’s also a submission form for those who prefer it over forwarding emails. I also merged my other Greek spammers email addresses blacklist with lists by a couple of friends (postmasters) and now the list contains over 300 unique, verified, spammer addresses. This list is not yet public but if you are interested to use it and test it, give me a shout and I’ll give you access.
Filed by kargig at 12:42 under General,Linux,Networking
Tags: anniversary, blacklist, blog, Greek, grrbl, rbl, redesign, spam, void, wordpress
2 Comments | 6,802 views
Ευχές για άλλα τόσα χρόνια, λοιπόν, και… μην αγχώνεσαι. Πήγα να δω τα πρώτα σου ποστ, και διαπίστωσα ότι το βιβλιοπωλείο που αγόρασες τον Κώδικα Ντα Βίντσι, έχει ακόμη προσεχώς στη διεύθυνσή του… (ΟΚ, μάλλον είναι παρκαρισμένο πλέον το domain από καταχωριστή, κι όχι από το Γιαννιώτικο βιβλιοπωλείο, αλλά η ουσία δεν αλλάζει) 🙂
Εύγε! Στο διάστημα αυτό των 6 ετών εγώ άλλαξα 6 blogs! 😛