It’s time for something more serious now, time to play with encrypted partitions and loop devices storing the keys on the usb key.
Following the excellent loop-AES.README I created an encrypted loop file that is encrypted with some random keys which are stored inside a file…and that file is encrypted with gpg and stored inside my usb stick. Confused ? Here it goes…
“Create 65 random encryption keys and encrypt those keys using gpg.”
# head -c 2925 /dev/urandom | uuencode -m - | head -n 66 | tail -n 65| gpg --symmetric -a >/mnt/usb-key/keyfile.gpg
Time for the loop file creation. An example of a 100Mb file follows:
# dd if=/dev/urandom of=/my-encrypted-loop.aes bs=1k count=100000
Then encrypt the loop file using our previously generated keys. From losetup man page:
-K gpgkey
Password is piped to gpg so that gpg can decrypt file gpgkey which
contains the real keys that are used to encrypt loop device. If
decryption requires public/private keys and gpghome is not speci-
fied, all users use their own gpg public/private keys to decrypt
gpgkey. Decrypted gpgkey should contain 1 or 64 or 65 keys, each
key at least 20 characters and separated by newline. If decrypted
gpgkey contains 64 or 65 keys, then loop device is put to multi-key
mode. In multi-key mode first key is used for first sector, second
key for second sector, and so on. 65th key, if present, is used as
additional input to MD5 IV computation.
# losetup -K /mnt/usb/keyfile.gpg -e AES256 /dev/loop3 /home/kargig/mytest
# losetup -d /dev/loop3
Now add this to /etc/fstab:
/my-encrypted-loop.aes /mnt/private ext3 defaults,noauto,user,loop=/dev/loop3,encryption=AES256,gpgkey=/mnt/usb-key/keyfile.gpg 0 0
now try this in order to check if the fstab entry is working and to format the loopfile:
# losetup -F /dev/loop3
# mke2fs -j /dev/loop3
# losetup -d /dev/loop3
If everything is fine…you can just try this:
mount /mnt/private
And you should be asked for your gpg passphrase 🙂 If you don’t have your usb key mounted, the loop file(or partition) won’t be mountable. BACKUP your keyfile.gpg!!!
What if you want to change your password ? Simply do this to decrypt the gpg file and re-encrypt it with a new password:
# gpg -d /mnt/usb-key/keyfile.gpg > /mnt/usb-key/clearkeys.txt
# cat /mnt/usb-key/clearkeys.txt | gpg --symmetric -a > /mnt/usb-key/newkeyfile.gpg
(now make sure the keyfile.gpg and newkeyfile.gpg differs, if yes it means that the gpg password was changed...move on)
# mv /mnt/usb-key/newkeyfile.gpg /mnt/usb-key/keyfile.gpg
# rm -f /mnt/usb-key/clearkeys.txt
(thanks to metown for pointing at some errors at the previous post)
What’s left to be done now is make it work like the pam_usb module, ie create a set of scripts(or programs?) so that when I want to mount the encrypted partition it will automatically check the usb key to find a private key to check it against the “partition’s public key” so there won’t be a need for typing a passphrase.