Die Europameister
I can’t even comment on that…
Filed by kargig at 21:03 under General,slogans
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I can’t even comment on that…
Filed by kargig at 21:03 under General,slogans
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Linux is a multiuser operating system “designed to be secure by design”. Each user has it’s own home directory and can only execute applications that the Administrator (root) of the system has allowed him to. That means that users that want to run priviledged applications must either have root’s permission to do so or are asked for a password to escalate their priviledges. So every linux user not only knows the difference of a simple user and the “root of all evil”, but is well aware of where/when to use passwords, what are file permissions and so on and so on. A linux user has (or had, until recently) given up pretty graphics in favor of a more stable, more secure and more “free” operating system.
Windows is a (multiuser?) operating system with emphasis on usability. Since the first windows versions, the users of windows got used to being able to do almost everything without ever being asked for another password than the one at the login screen. Sometimes there wasn’t even such a login screen. A windows user is used to doing administrative tasks with his every day account. Most windows users don’t even know about file permissions and how to use them on their system. That makes life both easier and riskier.
Until broadband came to our lives at the very end of the 20th century, when Windows 98 and ME ruled the IT universe, windows users had very little to fear. While they only exchanged files with their friends on floppies and cdroms, and their computers were not 24/7 online, remote exploits, internet worms and trojans were unknown words to them. A decent antivirus was the only thing required. Windows 98/ME did not even have “services” running on them by default (apart from shared folders). During that time Microsoft only had to worry about making their users’ OS easier and more beautiful. And they were pretty successful in that.
Their server (NT) version though had tons of problems. It was very incompatible with a lot of software and was easily attacked by internet worms. The number of service packs for NT reached a ridiculous number, and still Microsoft couldn’t handle all the problems. Their enhanced server edition, Windows 2000 was a lot better than NT, but the security weaknesses remained. What made Windows NT and Windows 2000 so insecure was that they were supposed to be 24/7 online. The bad guys attacked WinNT and Win2K because they could then use them for their own purposes. A hacked win98 box behind a dialup was useless compared to an always online windows server. While more and more windows 2000 servers were getting online and worms hammered them, more and more people started bitching Microsoft about it. Microsoft tried to fix problems those problems with numerous service packs, but that wasn’t enough.
Then came Windows XP, the first Microsoft OS for users that had various services enabled by default. At the same time more and more people started having broadband at their homes. Now the bad guys had something new and more powerful to fiddle, and it wasn’t long until the first remotely exploitable problems appeared. The bad guys created worms and trojans that attacked WinXP, the OS of millions users. Users’ machines are millions more than server machines, and they were all probable targets/victims for those worms. If a remotely exploitable vulnerability was somehow found for Win98, the impact would be a lot smaller because the number of online PCs was a lot smaller back then . Every remotely exploitable hole found for XP drove users crazy. XP was not designed to be secure, it was to designed to be a _lot_ more beautiful than 98/ME. It was designed with multimedia, games, office work, etc in mind. People started asking for more than an antivirus for their PCs and a new word came to every windows user life, “Firewall”. Then came service pack 1, then service pack 2…and problems still existed and will exist even if a service pack 3 is launched sometime in the future. One of the basic problems with Microsoft XP is that it doesn’t help users understand how and when to use the Administrator account. Most users create a user with Administrator privileges during XP’s installation process and then run their machines with that admin account. This is _plain_ wrong. Every windows XP user feels that he can do everything he wants with his PC without ever being asked for a single password. So when something infects their PC and runs with their user’s privileges, it actually runs as the administrator of the machine. This leads to total destruction.
Vista is said to have a different approach to security though. It has supposedly been built from scratch with security in mind. Users are now ‘just users’ and their default account does not have administrative privileges. So every time they want to do an administrative task dozens of warnings appear before them. That supposedly ensures that nothing can run with administrative privilege unless the user explicitly wants it to be that way. Someone I know who used Vista told me that Vista makes you think that it’s for more advanced users than XP was. All these notifications that pop up asking you for permission to do this and that, makes you feel a bit uncomfortable. New users of computers, that first stumble upon Vista will feel much more uncomfortable with that OS than they would feel if their first OS was XP. And that’s bad for a “Windows OS”, every version until Vista was easier to use than the previous one, apart from Vista…which is harder.
Microsoft with Vista acts as parent who has spoiled their children for a veeeery long time, giving them free chocolates and candies even though they knew that by doing this they hurt their children’s health, and are now trying to put them on a diet. And this just can’t be done. Windows have spoiled users for more than 10-15 years and it’s too late to start telling people, “Hey mind your security!”. “Your account is now on a diet, no more candies for you”.
When Vista starts spreading among users (maybe in 1 year from now?), users themselves will eventually understand more and more about security concepts. They will start to understand why it is so important that the administrative account is something completely different than theirs and why they should only “touch” it occasionally. Vista might be a lot more beautiful as an OS but it will be a lot more difficult for users to “manage”. Nag screens will be all over the place. Passwords might be frequently asked to change something fundamental for the system.
Where does this lead ? Users will get more and more acquainted with the whole administrator’s rights idea and Linux will not look so much like an alien OS to them. The transition from Windows to Linux for users will get easier and easier as linux becomes (slowly and painfully) more good looking and windows becomes (slowly and painfully) more secure.
Every OS has a different beginning and a different approach on evolution, but they tend to meet at some place in the future. They have just taken different roads to reach their goal. Windows prefers user-friendliness over security and stability and linux prefers it the other way around.
Filed by kargig at 03:28 under General,Internet,Linux,Privacy
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I’ve made a few changes to the sidebar of my blog, I’ve added last.fm Recent Tracks listing and a Meebome widget. The meebome widget is a very nice flash application that let’s you chat with visitors of your site while being online on meebo. I was introduced to meebo sometime ago by thatha. It is an “Instant Messaging Portal”, you create an account and then you can log in to your msn, icq, yahoo, aim, jabber and gtalk account. I use it whenever I am away from my pc, since I find it a lot more “comfortable” to log in to the networks I am interested through meebo than through Portable Gaim that I keep on my usb flash drive.
btw…Gaim is so broken these days…Looks like noone is interested to fix the aging problems it has. No nat-to-nat transfers, random crashes even on normal filetransfers. Even the developer(s) suggest that you use the beta version to log in to msn. How dumb is this ? What are they waiting for ? Since even the developer promotes the beta in favor to the “stable”..shouldn’t the beta be named as “stable” now ? Noone is still using Gaim 1.5.0 …all the latest gnome based distros use 2.0-betaX…
I’ve steadily become more and more unsupportive of OLPC. There are many reasons to this. First of all I think that it made by western people believing that they know what is better for africans or asians. That’s plain wrong. In my view the OLPC is something that western rich kids will enjoy far more than poor africans or asians. It’s a “western toy” for “western rich kids”. Then comes the “open-ness” of the whole project. In the beggining everything looked very promising, then came the closed source drivers and firmwares. I don’t care for whatever reasons Marvell doesn’t open source the wifi driver, but if someone touts for a “complete open source project”, then e v e r y t h i n g must be open source. Not whatever we like. Oh, and then came the added sd card slot in order for the OLPC to be able to run a version of windows. That’s open source too right ? More bashing of the OLPC on beranger.
Filed by kargig at 03:47 under General,Internet
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It’s been a while now, since May 2006, that me and some others from the local Ioannina LUG are trying to create a new livecd, the Guli LiveCD. This livecd is geared mostly towards students, scientists and developers. It’s geared towards us…it’s something that will make our lives easier while travelling or while visiting a friend or … or … or …
It is Gentoo based, severy influenced by DSL (damn small linux) as well as other minimalistic livecds, but it’s size has grown to a full CD due to the hundreds of applications we wanted to add. There is of course X windows support, with fluxbox as a window manager, but it is not started by default, yet.
There are a few main categories of applications:
There are a lot of networking tools inside this livecd what will help you identify and correct problems inside your network. These include scanners, packet sniffers, tunneling software, and so on…
Scientific applications were included in order for some of us to be able to travel and still have a way to implement a new idea that strikes us. The main interest so far is Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics. Full tex/latex support is included.
Since many of the ILUG members are students of the Computer Science department it was inevitable that many development tools would be included. There is support for many languages (C, fortran, Java, Haskell, prolog, php, python, perl, ruby,etc), with their compilers and debuggers. The full man pages are also kept so that they serve as a reference for those who want them.
Last but not least we have included a lot of tools that could salvage your system in case of an emergency. These are file recovery tools, password reset tools (even for windows) and lots of others.
There are of course applications like firefox, sylpheed, abiword, gnucalc, gaim, skype, etc included on Guli for everyday tasks.
The total number of executables on this LiveCD is quite large, a double tab pressing on the console will give you something like this:
Display all 3355 possibilities? (y or n)
And there are more to come…
The current version was released yesterday and it is an anniversary edition for ILUG’s 1 year of existence. You can find more information, full list of packages and the download link about this live cd at ILUG’s forums (currently only in Greek, until Guli gets a proper website).
This liveCD is not geared towards new users who want to see a fancy livecd with XGL and stuff like that. People who have never before used linux might find it a bit diffucult to navigate through the livecd.
We would appreciate any comments/bugs either on the forum or on the bug tracker
Filed by kargig at 15:50 under General,Gentoo,Internet,Linux,maths,Networking
2 Comments | 4,429 views
I was at an electronics store this morning and a guy walks in and asks for a wireless monitoring/security camera. The salesman happily starts showing him some products. The cameras ranged from 400mW to 1W power operating at 2.4GHz. The salesman told him that the 400mW is for a distance of “2 floors” and the 1W is for a whole building (!?!?!). These cameras are probably using the same frequencies that community wi-fi networks are allowed to use.
Say that you don’t care about community wireless networks and the interference that such a device would cause to them, there still is a HUGE issue behind this sale:
If the guy buys one of them, and operates it he is instantly doing something illegal, since the maximum power of wireless devices at 2.4GHz in Greece is set at 100mW. So the salesman has the right to sell something illegal that the buyer is not supposed to use, or could be imprisoned if he used it. That’s like legalizing the sales of drugs but imprisoning people that use them. This kind of scenario used to happen with the “anti-police-radars”. Lots of electronics shops used to sell them, but if you got caught byt the police owning one of those devices you could go to jail. So the government lets shops make money out of selling something illegal that could cause customers law problems. Shouldn’t shops be also punished for selling these “electronic drugs” ?
Go Greece go! Excellent trade laws.
Filed by kargig at 16:07 under General
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Διαβάζοντας κάποιος το http://www.knowhow.gr/ecPage.asp?id=34859&nt=105 θα υποθέσει πως η Ελλάδα είναι από τις χώρες που προστατεύουν την ελεύθερη διακίνηση ιδεών στο Internet..
Σήμερα έχουμε όμως το εξής απίστευτο: To blogme.gr δέχθηκε μύνηση!!
Προσφάτως, δημόσιο πρόσωπο μήνυσε το Blogme.gr για δυσφήμιση και άσεμνο σατυρικό περιεχόμενο.
Το πρόσωπο αυτό σατιρίζονταν μέσα από τις σελίδες κάποιου άλλου blog, το οποίο ήταν καταχωρημένο στο directory του Blogme και στις υπηρεσίες ροής RSS. Ως αποτέλεσμα των παραπάνω, ακολούθησαν: διαδικασία του αυτοφώρου, κατάσχεση του σκληρού δίσκου, παραμονή στο κρατητήριο και προσαγωγή στην εισαγγελία.
Περισσότερα στο http://e-roosters.blogspot.com/2006/10/blogme.html και στο http://www.blogme.gr/blog/post/index/21/BLOGME
Από ότι λέει ο κόσμος το δημόσιο αυτό πρόσωπο είναι ο κ. Λ…
Και θυμάμαι εγώ τώρα ότι η “Διάσκεψη Κορυφής για την Κοινωνία της Πληροφορίας” που έγινε πέρυσι, και στην οποία αποφασίστηκε ότι η Ελλάδα θα διοργανώσει το “1ο Παγκόσμιο Φόρουμ για τη Διακυβέρνηση του Διαδικτύου”, επιλέχτηκε να γίνει στην Τύνιδα επειδή εκεί υπήρχαν προβλήματα λογοκρισίας…ώστε να ενισχυθούν οι ελεύθερες φωνές/γνώμες. Και πάμε εμείς τώρα που κάνουμε μυνήσεις σε άσχετο κόσμο να πούμε στον κόσμο για την διακυβέρνηση στο Internet. Μια από τα ίδια είμαστε και εμείς…τα ίδια και χειρότερα γιατί εμείς νομίζουμε κιόλας ότι όλα εδώ πάνε καλά…Αυτό είναι ακόμα πιο επικίνδυνο από το να ξέρεις ότι δεν πάνε καλά τα πράγματα…
edit: slashdotted!! http://yro.slashdot.org/yro/06/10/29/2040220.shtml
way to go!
Επίσης χθες ο τηλε-ευαγγελιστής Εισαγγελάτος στην εκπομπή του άρχισε να τρομοκρατεί τον κόσμο λέγοντας πώς μπορεί κάποιος να βάλει διάφορα στο κινητό του και να παρακολουθεί τον καθένα με την ελάχιστη δυνατή προσπάθεια. Ας σπείρουμε τον φόβο στον κόσμο λέγοντάς του μισές αλήθειες…εύγε… περισσότερα και πιο αναλυτικά στο http://www.myphone.gr/forum/showthread.php?t=154376
Και για να επιστρέψω στο πρώτο θέμα…μήπως θα ήταν καλή ιδέα να μαζευτούν οι bloggers στο Φόρουμ αυτό που ξεκινάει στις 30/10 και να πουν τι έγινε προχθές μπροστά στον υπόλοιπο κόσμο που θα παρακολουθεί ?
Προτείνω επίσης να ζητήσουμε από το Brunei το TLD του…το .bn και να τους δώσουμε το δικό μας..το .gr
Μπανανία.bn … μας πάει καλύτερα…
Filed by kargig at 15:10 under General,Greek,Internet,Privacy
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I really don’t know to which category this post belongs. I am just amazed at what “Second Life” has become.
The statistics from it are insane…
US$ Spent Last 24 Hrs: 433,454
This is a LOT of money spent on “virtually something” = nothing…
Now Reuters has “created” a special reporter just for Second Life. Take a look: http://secondlife.reuters.com/.
Are people so much bored of their current lives that they prefer they were somebody else and eventually pay real money to become one ? I really can’t understand them…
so pathetic…
Filed by kargig at 16:37 under General
1 Comment | 3,511 views
This must be another greek unique phenomenon. Politicians (or probably wannabe politicians) placed yesterday some advertisment of theirs on a greek torrent tracker, probably the biggest one.
You can’t believe it ?? I probably wouldn’t believe it either if I didn’t see a screenshot. So check this out!
This act has been said to be severely criticized by a number of members of the tracker, but the administrators said yesterday that “since they paid money why shouldn’t they be advertised ?” The weird thing is that this morning the advertisement was gone. Maybe some people thought that it was not such a good idea after all…
I am a bit curious though.. and I will place here some of the questions I have:
1) How did these politicians made contact to the administrators ?
2) Do they know what a torrent tracker is and what the content of the specific tracker is ? Do they politically support what is going on there ?
3) How much did they pay ? And to whom ? Don’t politicians have to justify every single cent of their advertisement expenses ? Is that tracker a company providing legit receipts ?
4) If the administrators said last night that it was OK to host them there, why did they remove them today ?
Btw, since you did not have to be a member of the site to see the advertisement, it was on the very first page of the site that even unregistered users could see, I thought that it was unecessary to blurify/hide more parts of the screenshot I was given, apart from the url. Even that might be unecessary.
Filed by kargig at 02:10 under General
2 Comments | 5,142 views
I wanted to search for the famous “cain and abel” tool for windows on google, so I typed “cain abel” on Google, results came out…and I clicked on the url of the first result, which is “cain and abel”‘s webpage…
Then this appeared!
Who said I needed that protection/advisory ? Is Google going to filter more stuff out now ? Sad, just sad…
Filed by kargig at 17:55 under General
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I am back in my hometown, Thessaloniki, for about a week and I carried with me the old laptop that I had tried installing the rule project…
I had nothing to do tonight..so I plugged in my wireless card, booted Damn Small Linux CD and went out to the balcony. Why not try to check if there are any wireless networks around ? In fact there was one:
root@ttyp2[root]# iwlist ath0 scan
ath0 Scan completed :
Cell 01 - Address: 00:30:4F:4B:66:6C
Encryption key:off
Quality:17/94 Signal level:-78 dBm Noise level:-95 dBm
Bit Rate:1Mb/s
Bit Rate:2Mb/s
Bit Rate:5Mb/s
Bit Rate:11Mb/s
I connected there..and ran the dhcp client…
root@ttyp2[root]# iwconfig ath0 essid nkoumle
root@ttyp2[root]# pump -i ath0
Drums rolling….ta ta!!
root@ttyp2[root]# ifconfig ath0
ath0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:20:A6:4C:BD:7F
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
The IP seemed quite weird to be from a home…and looked like it was from the range that Thessaloniki Wireless Metropolitan Network (TWMN) was given a few years ago, when each greek major city was given an IP range for their Wireless Networks inside the range. Pinging the router/AP gave me results of 10-100ms. I tried finding a spot in the balcony where I could get more stable ping times but I couldn’t find one. It didn’t really matter though…I was so excited that a few msecs wouldn’t stop me!
Even though I could resolve internet hostnames and addresses I couldn’t ping or browse any internet hosts. Then I tried surfing around TWMN. I opened up http://www.twmn and I looked around. I tried to register with their forums but I couldn’t because they require a confirmation email. Since I can’t access any of my email accounts without internet access I can’t register in their wireless forum either. The bad thing is that it’s not even readable as a wireless guest.
I knew that TWMN and Athens Wireless Metropolitan Network (AWMN) are linked together, so I tried surfing http://www.awmn. Success!! Everything worked quite smoothly there. I even sent a pm to a TWMN user that I know, orion, from AWMN’s forum.
Then it was time for IRC. Damn Small Linux features a tiny irc client named “naim”. I tried to connect to irc.twmn…but there was no luck. Then I tried irc.awmn and I got instantly connected.
I had also heard about AWMN’s proxy mesh network. It’s an effort by many awmn users that share their dsl bandwith by creating a squid proxy mesh network with lots siblings, so there is some kind of load balancing. I started reading the last pages of the thread but I couldn’t find any working proxies. Then I remembered that it was koki that started it all…and looked for her website inside awmn. I came up to http://koko.awmn and there she had information about how to connect to her proxy.
So I entered port 3128 at my firefox preferences…and that was it!!! SUCCESS! I had full access to websites through koki’s proxy server. I am in Thessaloniki and my “internet provider” is 500km away…in Athens!
Here’s the traceroute to her proxy server:
root@ttyp0[root]# traceroute
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
1 ap.nkoumle.twmn ( 526.158 ms 151.747 ms *
2 doom2nkoumle.bb.twmn ( 143.23 ms 368.749 ms 130.249 ms
3 taz2doom.bb.twmn ( 13.83 ms 60.137 ms 317.052 ms
4 uom2taz.bb.twmn ( 32.055 ms 14.761 ms 64.038 ms
5 volto2uom.bb.twmn ( 82.341 ms 78.228 ms 49.779 ms
6 sourdos2volto.bb.twmn ( 83.058 ms 61.406 ms 72.943 ms
7 dfragos2sourdos.bb.twmn ( 81.377 ms 41.603 ms 101.131 ms
8 thmmy2dfragos.bb.twmn ( 200.073 ms 105.749 ms *
9 thmmy.swn ( 65.299 ms 132.49 ms 361.869 ms
10 ( 529.931 ms 368.65 ms 313.583 ms
11 ( 417.191 ms 74.76 ms 48.881 ms
12 ( 64.119 ms 84.001 ms 79.828 ms
13 ( 82.863 ms 41.323 ms 93.686 ms
14 ( 87.61 ms 68.538 ms 90.206 ms
15 ( 132.605 ms 343.975 ms 120.142 ms
16 ( 134.826 ms 105.009 ms 128.925 ms
17 ( 79.456 ms 89.032 ms 196.706 ms
18 ( 144.206 ms 150.446 ms 103.555 ms
I am actually posting this entry for this insane connection!
This is really inspiring. Community networks at their best. Thanks a lot to everyone that contributed in order for this to happen. Thanks a lot to nkoumle (whom I don’t know) and to koki (that I only know her though IRC and forums)…
Filed by kargig at 02:14 under General,Internet,Linux,Networking
5 Comments | 4,106 views
Mr. Christos Berelis, a minister in the previous Government wrote an article in a newspaper criticizing the current Government over it’s agreement-contract with Microsoft and for it’s lack of open-source use inside the Government. The article (in Greek) is called “On Microsoft’s Tank” (my own translation), and it’s posted here Berelis’ article.
Mr. Berelis probably “forgets” what the government signed with microsoft when HE was a minister. Did he write any articles back then criticizing that agreement? Of course not! Here’s the agreement: Greek Government Announces Strategic Cooperation with Microsoft for the Security of IT systems. What’s even worse is that the agreement of Mr. Berelis’ Government regards Security. An IT section where microsoft has admitted is way behind it’s competitors.
Enough with lies. Face the reality and admit your mistakes. If you want to criticize the current government you MUST first criticize yours and accept your mistakes and apologize for them. Until then you are just trying to harvest some lazy voters Mr. Berelis. ENOUGH.
Old post about this: Linux in Europe vs Greece
Filed by kargig at 18:17 under General,Linux
6 Comments | 10,045 views
Today I had a visit from an OTE technician at home. He came to replace my old netmod which had a failling power supply. I asked him if I could set up MSN (Multiple Subscriber Number) on analog ports of the netmod without using Netmod Confiuration Manager. He was very polite to explain it to me and here comes the answers he gave me:
Netmod can set up MSN in Analog Port 1(AB1), Analog Port 2(AB2) and DTE.
To clear any previous numbers set for AB1 press the following (on a phone connected to that port): **91*#, for AB2: **92*# and for DTE: **93*#
To store MSN 1234567890 for AB1 press: **91*1234567890#, for AB2 **92*1234567890# and for DTE: **93*1234567890#
Combine these to suit your needs. All that stuff is nothing new…I just didn’t know it, possibly because I had not read the netmod user manual. A guide in greek for all that stuff is here: http://www.ote.gr/oteweb/greek/ccare/info_isdn.htm
Filed by kargig at 18:24 under General
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Μια αρκετά ενδιαφέρουσα κίνηση -> ΕΡΤ και ΔΕΗ. Πως μπορείτε να μην πληρώνετε αναγκαστικά.
Με ενδιαφέρει αρκετά μιας και δεν έχω τηλεόραση και ούτε θέλω να έχω. Ακόμα και να είχα, γιατί να πληρώνω για την ΕΡΤ παραπάνω χρήματα αφού και στα κρατικά κανάλια υπάρχουν πλέον διαφημίσεις ? Ας υπάρξει φόρος ανά τηλεόραση όπως σε άλλες χώρες, για όποιους διαθέτουν τηλεόραση.
Θα περιμένω να δω πως κινούνται οι διαδικασίες των υπολοίπων και αν δεν αντιμετωπίσουν πρόβλημα με την γραφειοκρατία, θα προχωρήσω και εγώ σε αντίστοιχη κίνηση.
Αυτό είναι και το πρώτο μου post στα Ελληνικά…
Filed by kargig at 02:36 under General
8 Comments | 14,057 views
I had some problems making my new Corsair Flash Voyager 1Gb work under udev. Until now I used the SYSFS{serial}=
part from udevinfo to distinguish my usb devices. Corsair Flash Voyager doesn’t have one. So I put the following line in /etc/udev/rules.d/10-local.rules to make it work:
KERNEL="sd*", SYSFS{vendor}="Corsair", SYSFS{model}="Flash*Voyager*", NAME{all_partitions}="corsair%n", GROUP="disk"
The first partition of the usb stick is now recognized as /dev/corsair1, and if I had more they would be named /dev/corsair2, /dev/corsair3, etc
Filed by kargig at 15:50 under General,Linux
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We all have nowdays pile of cds and dvds with thousands of files inside. The big problem is…you know that you have the files somewhere…but where ? In which cd/dvd ?
A solution to this is a cataloging application like Disksearch. It is very simple, has an easy to use gui, it’s written in python and can be used in both Linux and Windows. It even has regular expression support for searching files.
I’m giving it a try and I hope it won’t let me down.
Just a thought:
sqlite support wouldn’t be bad, it’s sometimes more usefull to have an sql database than a simple index text file…but then you might lose compatibility with windows. A patch could be handy though. Any programmers to look into it ? 🙂
Filed by kargig at 04:46 under General,Linux
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